
Installing ZopeSkel

ZopeSkel can be installed in one of two ways: with buildout or with virtualenv.


Despite existing documentation to the contrary, it is not recommended to install ZopeSkel in your system python.

Buildout installation

Add to your buildout.cfg:

parts =

# installs paster and Zopeskel
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs =

After re-running buildout, you will have zopeskel and paster commands in the bin directory of your buildout.

Virtualenv installation

First, install virtualenv into your system:

$ easy_install virtualenv

Next, create a virtual environment with the new virtualenv command:

$ virtualenv --distribute zopeskelenv

Once virtualenv has finished creating your new virtual environment, you can install zopeskel to your new virtual environment by:

$ zopeskelenv/bin/easy_install zopeskel

Once this is complete, you will have zopeskel and paster commands in the bin directory of your virtualenv.

Basic Usage

ZopeSkel is used to create empty projects for Zope and Plone. A number of templates are included with ZopeSkel:

  • basic_namespace
  • nested_namespace
  • basic_buildout
  • recipe
  • zope2_basic
  • zope2_nested
  • plone_basic
  • plone_nested
  • archetype

The most basic template for Plone is plone_basic, which creates an empty Plone add-on. Optionally you may add a GenericSetup profile to make your add-on appear in the list of available add-ons in Plone’s Site Setup. In this case a profiles/default directory will be created in your new add-on.

For example:

$ ./bin/zopeskel plone_basic my.example

This template asks you a series of questions and creates a new add-on package from your answers. When prompted to choose a mode, unless you know what you are doing, select easy mode (it is the default). You will see output like the following:

plone_basic: A package for Plone add-ons

This template creates a package for a basic Plone add-on project with
a single namespace (like Products.PloneFormGen).

To create a Plone project with a name like 'collective.geo.bundle'
(2 dots, a 'nested namespace'), use the 'plone_nested' template.

This template supports local commands.  These commands allow you to
add Plone features to your new package.

If you are trying to create a Plone *site* then the best place to
start is with one of the Plone installers.  If you want to build
your own Plone buildout, use one of the plone'N'_buildout templates

If at any point, you need additional help for a question, you can enter
'?' and press RETURN.

Expert Mode? (What question mode would you like? (easy/expert/all)?) ['easy']: easy

Version (Version number for project) ['1.0']: 1.0
Description (One-line description of the project) ['']: This is an example product built with ZopeSkel
Register Profile (Should this package register a GS Profile) [False]: True
Creating directory ./my.example
Replace 1079 bytes with 1273 bytes (1/43 lines changed; 5 lines added)
Replace 42 bytes with 119 bytes (1/1 lines changed; 4 lines added)
The project you just created has local commands. These can be used from within
the product.

usage: paster COMMAND

  add  Allows the addition of further templates to an existing package

For more information: paster help COMMAND

**  Your new package supports local commands.  To access them, change
**  directories into the 'src' directory inside your new package.
**  From there, you will be able to run the command `paster add
**  --list` to see the local commands available for this package.

Once complete you will have a brand new Plone package waiting for customization!

Local Commands

A local command uses templates to allow you to add features to your newly created add-on. To run a local command, you must first change directory to inside your add-on:

$ cd my.example/src

From here, you can use the paster command to show you which templates are available to use:

$ ../../bin/paster add --list
Available templates:
    browserlayer:  A Plone browserlayer
    browserview:   A browser view skeleton

To run a specific local command, you provide the name of the template:

$ ../../bin/paster add browserview
Enter view_name (Browser view name) ['Example']: Example

When this command completes, you will find a new browser module, with the files required to add a browser view to your add-on:

$ ls -1 my/example/browser/

Local Commands and Python Paste

Implementation details of local commands mean that any package which supports them will have a direct dependency on Paste, PasteScript and PasteDeploy. As a result, when you first create a package with available local commands, you will find that these three packages have automatically been installed inside your package structure:

$ cd ../
$ ls -1

This is an unfortunate but unavoidable situation so long as local commands are desired. There are a few things you should keep in mind when working with packages that provide local commands:

  • Paste, PasteScript and PasteDeploy should never be placed under version control.
  • Any time you check out the package and include it in a buildout, they will reappear.
  • When you are finished with using local commands, you can get rid of these extra packages for good by disabling local commands.

Disabling Local Commands

Local commands are useful for extending a package skeleton when you are first setting up a new project. Once you’ve completed setup, however, it is a good idea to disable local commands so that you will no longer be bothered by the presence of extra package eggs in your source code tree.

To disable local commands, and stop Paste, PasteScript and PasteDeploy from appearing when you work with your egg, you can edit the source code generated by ZopeSkel. First, you will want to find and remove the following lines from your package setup.py file:


Additionally, you may remove the following from setup.cfg in your package root directory:

template = plone_basic # note that the name found here may differ

After removing these lines, your package will no longer have local commands available. Furthermore, when you check it out of source control and include it in a buildout, you will no longer find Paste, PasteScript or PasteDeploy in your package source tree.